You don’t have time for less-than-worthy deicers,

And neither do we.

We at Kick Ice Deicers

respect your experience doing what you do . In fact, we live by it. We’d rather be caught practicing our high kicks on stray icicles than using an inferior product.

The Kick Ice Deicers line of products punches snow and ice in the face with the vigor of a cage wrestler and the performance of a ninja assassin. Why, you ask, is Kick Ice so praise-worthy?


Kick Ice Deicers straight out-perform their competitors.
They are less corrosive than salt, leaving your properties in better shape after a nasty storm.


They give you, the user Hero more bang for your buck.


All our products are manufactured in the Midwest, so you don’t have to compromise on your superior morals.

Welcome to the future of ice melt.